Aeropak Economy Air Duster removes dust, dirt and microscopic debris from delicate or hard to reach areas of electrical and electronic equipment. Aeropak Economy Air Duster clears and cleans blocked fan and vents, reduces
over he a ing, and will not damage electrical components
Recommended for:Computers, Printers,Keyboards, Cash Registers, Sewing Machines, Photography Equipment,Printers, Fax Machines, Photocopiers,
Telephones, Lab Equipment, TVs, CD& DVD players, Typewriters, Vacuums,Scanners, Stereos, Watches, Clocks,Mailing Machines, Fans, Audio Equipment,
Electric Razors, Sports Equipment,Musical Instruments, Guns
1.Turnoff equipment before use
2.Shake can well before use.
3.Hold the can 20-30cm away from the target surface and spray evenly.
Use in a well ventilated work area.
Care must also be taken to avoid over-spray.
Spray is flammable.
Warning:Keep out of reach of children.
Extremely flammable aerosol.
Keep out of reach of children.